This website is promoted by Sheridan Tranter, St Martins, Old Worcester Road, Hartlebury, Worcestershire DY11 7XQ
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Why Independent ?

Why am I standing as an independent?

There is no party whip compelling a councillor to vote a certain way regardless of whether it is right for those they represent.  I am an independent and will speak and vote only in the interests of this community – I have no political mandate – my main priority is you and this parish.

If you are in a party you are made to vote the way the party tells you. Being Independent means I can weigh up what is best for the people I represent and then vote accordingly.

It is time for change at Wychavon District Council and to put ‘People before Politics!’

What will I do for you?  I will:

represent you for the full term of my office, not just when I want your vote.

be available to you when you need me;

conduct regular local surgeries and attend all Parish Council meetings;

represent you in a responsible manner;

listen to your concerns and take action on your behalf;

voice residents’ concerns more strongly on a range of issues and work at District level to ensure development money and other funding avenues are passed onto us and used wisely;

work closely with our local Police representatives to ensure crime in the area is kept to a minimum;

increase awareness of the need to monitor speeding in the village, particularly by the School;

look at transport issues affecting the parish;

building relationships and work closely with all local community groups

look  to the future and help bring about Hartlebury’s Parish and Neighbourhood Plan;

make sure that we challenge any future plans for housing developments within our area particularly bearing in mind the imminent Greenbelt Review which will take place in the next 2-4 years.

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